"What I value most about St. Bernard's are the relationships formed with everyone around you. No one is afraid to be themselves, which has allowed my class to become even closer. We find ways to make school fun and interesting, allowing us to grow more and more everyday." - STB Senior
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Co-ed Independent Day High School
Grades 9-12
235 Enrollment for 2024-25 school year
Historical academic building, and large sports complex with gymnasium, indoor turf practice field and four outdoor athletic fields.
Students come from 33 communities in North Central Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire
All faiths are welcome! 66% of our families are Catholic, while 34% represent other Christian denominations and other diverse faiths
33% students of color
Over 60% of our students qualify for need-based financial aid
$500,000 of need-based financial assistance is offered each year
100% college acceptance rate: 97% of our students attend college; 3% join the workforce or enroll in the military